Tag Archives: PR

Blog it, DANNO!

by Chris Bass, Director

As an author you have many choices on how to market your book, but like many of us your time is limited and unfortunately you don’t have an unlimited supply of cash.  So the question becomes, how can you make the highest and best use of your limited resources (time and money) to develop a relationship with your readers?

Welcome, to the world of blogging.  A blog provides an outlet where you can engage your readers, share your opinions, expertise and even excerpts from your book.   It is one element of social media outreach that can put you on a path to achieving 1000 True Fans. Imagine 1000 people following you, your ideas and your work, not a bad way to make a living.

So, for someone who is just starting out, what are the key components to producing a blog that people will tell their friends and acquaintances about?

  • Be consistent – set up an editorial calendar and follow it (at least one post every other week is a good start)
  • Identify what you are an expert in or where you have a particular point of view and write about it
  • Link to other thought leaders in the industry, who share your interests
  • Don’t give up, it takes time to build an audience

This is by no means intended to be a comprehensive list, but a good starting point.  There are several tools you can use set up your blog and as Seth Godin, best selling author, points out in a recent post the best way to learn blogging is to do it.